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Frequently asked questions
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I have been renting at Ferme Christine since 1999 and a number of questions are often asked:

* How far is the nearest baker?

There are two, equidistant at 5 kms, say 3 miles,  from here.
At La Tour du Crieu, the baker is very used to visitors buying bread and ordering their cakes and croissants.
At M. Dussart, there is more choice as he is a baker for bread and pizzas, a cake maker and chocolate cake and biscuit maker. 
M. Dussart's van , with baguettes, comes regularly to  the hamlet.  Speak to me for contact details.


Mirabelle plum tree to north of pool in blossom in March.
What can we do?

*  Can we drink the water from the tap  in the kitchen ?

Yes, it's town water, so it  is drinkable.  I drink it all the time.  At mealtimes on hot days, a jug of chilled water can be very refreshing.
Can our dog(s) or other pets accompany us on holiday here? 

No, sorry, but I do not welcome visitors' pets here.  There are two cats, very friendly, and I want to maintain their tranquility.

* What noise is there from the parachute regiment about 2 miles away?

They are good neighbours.  One can occasionally hear them singing (like a male voice choir). If you listen carefully you can hear the reveille trumpet
* If we need health treatment, can we get additional cover for our time in France apart from our holiday insurance?

Yes, you need a  European Health Insurance Card,(EHIC), available online at www.ehic.org.uk, by telephone, or by calling at the Post Office to pick up a form.  The card  is valid for between three and five years, in France and all of the countries in the EEC.

With it, you can have emergency or 'necessary' healthcare, at free or reduced prices. It gives you the same heath treatment from the state that a resident in France would get. 

When we are around the swimming pool, reading or sunbathing, will we be disturbed by traffic noise ?

No.  The motorway is 5 kms, around 3 miles away
* Where do you live?

I live in an apartment underneath the hayloft apartment.  I have a terrace to the rear of the property and need not disturb visitors.  You will see me when I clean the pool and water the plants.

* What about local traffic?

The country road has occasional cars and tractors, as Ferme Christine is in corn  growing countryside.  But, the courtyard  acts a baffle for noise, and maintains tranquility. 
* How many houses in the hamlet?

Three including Ferme Christine.  The neighbours, three people in all, have houses facing each other across the main Christine rural road.   Ferme Christine is completely sepearate, with a private lane .  You would drive up this lane and turn left into the courtyard.

* Is the property overlooked?
